Sobre Nosotros


We are Farmakotas in the Canary Islands. We have our NATURAL PRODUCTS in Gran Canaria, Playa del Inglés, inside the Abora Continental Hotel and in Las Palmas, so we have launched this «» project so that you can make your purchases online and continue enjoying all our products. 

But from the beginning we introduce you to the Director:

I came here for the interesting contrast of NATURE from the north, the south and the center of the island of Gran Canaria and I stayed because it fascinated me 

I started with the use of part of medicinal plants and at the moment I am still using a total of 50 different combinations. I recommend everything from our store 🙂 but for me personally the best are Aloe Vera Juice (cleanses the intestines and digestive system, strengthens immunity, lowers sugar, regenerates stem cells-very good after surgeries-already what I tried), Facial Cream (does not leave skin dry and absorbs quickly) and Aloe Vera Shampoo for itching, and hair loss. Supplements like full spectrum and necessary vitamins …

I introduce you to international doctors who speak Spanish English French and Arabic. They can help you for a private telemedicine consultation:

Doctor Hobeiche , cardiologist and intensive medicine physician. 

Doctor Assi medical doctor nutriologist and microbiological bacteriologist physician .

 Doctor Dib physician, orthopedic Traumatologist surgeon 

. So I can advise you better. Your comments will be highly appreciated.

 Just some of the advantages of using our products are:

  1. do not accumulate toxins (like chemical medicine)
  2. have no side effects
  3. cleanse, strengthen and tone the body
  4. help heal health problems (in many cases the reason and not just symptoms)
  5. strengthen the immune system 
  6. rejuvenate the skin and health 
  7. Finally, I want to share with you my favorite phrase: a superior doctor prevents disease and its complications and not only treats the symptoms.
Welcome to our world:)